What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem cells are tiny progenitor cells found in our body that can be divided (through mitosis) and changed (differentiate) into various cell types. All cells in our body are constantly dividing and forming new ones; the new cells age gradually and then die. The natural physiologic process of programmed cell death is known as apoptosis. Your stem cells are your body’s natural healing cells that act as your repair system in your body by replenishing adult tissues.
Stem cell hair restoration is an innovative hair transplant procedure that can encourage the growth of your own, natural hair using your body’s stem cells! treatments that rely on relocating hair follicles, stem cell hair therapy is designed to restore the growth of natural hair follicles found on your scalp to achieve long-lasting results.
How does Hair Stem Cell Therapy work?
Stem cell hair restoration can regrow hair through a combination of stem cell therapy and platelet rich plasma treatment. The layer of fat just below your skin (known as adipose tissue) has an abundant amount of available stem cells, known as ADSC’s (adipose derived stem cells). During stem cell hair restoration, small amounts of excess fat are extracted from the body using liposuction. Small cannulas are inserted beneath the skin through tiny incisions and stem cell-rich fat is harvested. These stem cells are concentrated and spun through a centrifuge to purify the sample. Your purified stem cells are then combined with platelet rich plasma found in your blood. This mixture of stem cells and PRP is injected into the scalp and begins interacting with your existing hair follicles, repairing them and stimulating hair growth. The mixture also activates existing stem cells found on your scalp to further restore thinning hair.
Who should opt for Stem Cell Hair Therapy?
Both men and women can undergo stem cell hair therapy to improve hair thickness and density. Stem cell hair restoration is ideal for patients who have some hair present on the scalp; patients who are completely bald may not be candidates for this procedure. Our doctors will discuss if stem cell hair regrowth is right for you during your consultation at Tampa Hair Restoration Center.
Stem Cell Hair Therapy can:
- Regenerate your natural hair follicles
- Add density to areas of thinning hair
- Address male and female pattern baldness
- Add natural-looking fullness to your hairline
- Achieve long-lasting hair restoration results
What are the expected results?
With the stem cell treatment, critical proteins are delivered to hair cells by avoiding factors that halt new hair growth. This results in productive hair growth with the enhancement of the scalp with stem cells. Evident results are seen in initial sessions itself. Initial changes in hair density and quality are seen after 1-2 months of treatment. Changes will be assessed by comparing pre & post treatment photographs and non-invasive measurement of hair density at intervals of one month after the initial treatment.

What is Stem Cell Treatment?
Stem cells are tiny progenitor cells found in our body that can be divided (through mitosis) and changed (differentiate) into various cell types. All cells in our body are constantly dividing and forming new ones; the new cells age gradually and then die. The natural physiologic process of programmed cell death is known as apoptosis. Your stem cells are your body’s natural healing cells that act as your repair system in your body by replenishing adult tissues.
Who should opt for Stem Cell treatment?
People looking for permanent hair loss prevention procedures and for an effective hair growth treatment can opt for the stem cell treatment.
Stem cells have the potential to treat conditions such as spinal cord injury, heart attacks, strokes, sports injuries, blindness, cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, bones and cartilage damage.
Function of Stem Cell
- Repair system for the body
- Replenish adult tissue
- Differentiate into specialized cells
- Cellular regeneration
What are the expected results?
With the stem cell treatment, critical proteins are delivered to hair cells by avoiding factors that halt new hair growth. This results in productive hair growth with the enhancement of the scalp with stem cells. Evident results are seen in initial sessions itself. Initial changes in hair density and quality are seen after 1-2 months of treatment. Changes will be assessed by comparing pre & post treatment photographs and non-invasive measurement of hair density at intervals of one month after the initial treatment.