P-SHOT for erectile dysfunction

What is the P-Shot?

If you struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED), the P-Shot (Priapus Shot) can help you achieve a firmer, stronger, and larger erection. The P-Shot uses PRP to rejuvenate the aged and damaged tissues in your penis. 

The therapy offers a natural, effective solution to help you overcome ED. It also treats Peyronie’s disease that causes a curvature of the penis.

The PRP Injection is a blood product that contains a concentrated amount of platelets and growth factors that can be injected into your body to speed the healing process.

The concentrated properties in the injection initiate an immediate repair response and appear to recruit undifferentiated stem cells to promote the regeneration of healthy tissues.

PRP injections have been proven safe and effective as a treatment process for erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. Platelet rich plasma therapy not only reduces pain and discomfort, but can stop the progression of unwanted medical conditions and eliminate the need for a more invasive surgical procedure.

Benefits of PRP Injection for ED ;

  • Increased Blood Flow and Circulation
  • Enhanced Firmness of Erection
  • Enhanced Pleasure and Sensation
  • Increased Sexual Stamina
  • Better Sexual Performance
  • Less Discomfort from Prostate
  • Renewed Level of Self-Confidence

Is the P-Shot right for me?

The P-Shot might be right for you if you currently have any of the following issues:

  • Weak erection
  • Lack of sensitivity during intercourse
  • Lack in length and girth
  • Poor response to ED medications
  • Peyronie’s disease


PRP Injection based on platelet rich plasma therapy is a powerful tool that contains components for fighting off infections, carrying oxygen to organs, and blood clotting.

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection that allows you and your partner to have satisfactory sexual intercourse or an inability to ejaculate.

Regardless of how often you experience ED, you are not alone. For a greater percentage of men, a problem with an erection or sexual performance is only an occasional occurrence and is usually associated with excessive alcohol consumption, emotional trauma or physical fatigue. But, ED doesn’t just affect men, which is why women make up a large percentage of those who seek treatment for the man in her life to improve their sexual relationship.

If you are interested in PRP Injection, you would benefit from a consultation in our clinics. Located in Melaka and Selangor, our doctor can assess your needs and create a treatment plan right for you.


The PRP Injection is a blood product that contains a concentrated amount of platelets and growth factors that can be injected into your body to speed the healing process. The concentrated properties in the injection initiate an immediate repair response and appear to recruit undifferentiated stem cells to promote the regeneration of healthy tissues. PRP injections have been proven safe and effective as a treatment process for erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. Platelet rich plasma therapy not only reduces pain and discomfort, but can stop the progression of unwanted medical conditions and eliminate the need for a more invasive surgical procedure.

Benefits of PRP Injection for ED

  • Increased Blood Flow and Circulation
  • Enhanced Firmness of Erection
  • Enhanced Pleasure and Sensation
  • Increased Sexual Stamina
  • Better Sexual Performance
  • Less Discomfort from Prostate
  • Renewed Level of Self-Confidence

PRP Injection based on platelet rich plasma therapy is a powerful tool that contains components for fighting off infections, carrying oxygen to organs, and blood clotting. Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection that allows you and your partner to have satisfactory sexual intercourse or an inability to ejaculate. Regardless of how often you experience ED, you are not alone. For a greater percentage of men, a problem with an erection or sexual performance is only an occasional occurrence and is usually associated with excessive alcohol consumption, emotional trauma or physical fatigue. But, ED doesn’t just affect men, which is why women make up a large percentage of those who seek treatment for the man in her life to improve their sexual relationship.

If you are interested in PRP Injection, you would benefit from a consultation in our clinics. Located in Melaka and Selangor, our doctor can assess your needs and create a treatment plan right for you.