Women, you are precious! Come to see us for a package that is specifically designed for you. We will ensure you a comfortable and pleasant experience during the examination. ALL procedures will be done personally by our in-house Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist who is certified and fully registered with the National Specialist Register of Malaysia.

The wellness package will include:-

  • Detailed Ultrasound Examination of reproductive organs to exclude any gynaecological diseases.
  • Liquid Based Cervical Cytology / ThinPrep which is more accurate and sensitive in detecting Cervical Cancer as well as Human Papilloma Virus(HPV) infection.

Personalised Supplements:

A three-month personalised supplements just for YOU!


Women, you are precious! Come to see us for a package that is specifically designed for you. We will ensure you a comfortable and pleasant experience during the examination. ALL procedures will be done personally by our in-house Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist who is certified and fully registered with the National Specialist Register of Malaysia.

The wellness package will include:-

  • Detailed Ultrasound Examination of reproductive organs to exclude any gynaecological diseases.
  • Liquid Based Cervical Cytology / ThinPrep which is more accurate and sensitive in detecting Cervical Cancer as well as Human Papilloma Virus(HPV) infection.

Personalised Supplements:

A three-month personalised supplements just for YOU!